[06/01/24] Silverton, Mike: Yoga for Pickpockets

[06/01/24] Silverton, Mike: Yoga for Pickpockets

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Sagging Meniscus Press, paperback

Publication Date: June 1, 2024

Publisher Marketing: In his latest outing, the author of Anvil on a Shoestring and Trios might be said to shake a fist and roar at the dawn "Roll backward into the night!", though such a claim would be entirely without foundation. Still, surely no one but Mike Silverton could be responsible for making such clickety-clackety music with demoralized vermin, vats of cock-a-leekie, and Benedict Arnold's wallpaper, or for attaining such a luxuriant yet persistently procedural climax in the volume's extravagant finale, the poetic abecedary "Geront's Miscellany." Call the police.